Dementia is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by deterioration in cognitive ability. A person with Dementia has difficulty with memory, learning new information, planning activities and becomes increasingly dependent on others for their care. Dementia has a huge impact on families who often struggle to find practical information about the condition and how to provide care for their loved one. At your home.

Personal Care: as providing medicines and Patients required fully care of cleanliness and hygiene and so our care giver make the patient sponge at the bed or make them shower. Take good care of oral hygiene, cleanliness of clothes, bed, etc.

Dementia Care / Alzheimer Care Service

Mobility & Assistance: Supports the patient in sleeping, walking, properly exercises and other essential physical activities.

Toileting: Assistance in the urinal, changing of External condom catheter, changing of diapers, urine pot, bed pan etc.

Vital Monitoring: Tracks weight, Blood Pressure, Body Temperature, etc.

Acquaintance: Mingles with elderly people like their own family member and try to keep them happy and stress-free as much as possible.

  • Show a warm, loving, matter-of- fact manner.
  • Hold the person’s hand while you talk.
  • Be open to the person’s concerns, even if they are hard to understand.
  • Let him or her make some decisions and stay involved.
  • Be patient with angry outbursts.

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